Self Determined Recovery Host a quarterly open mic event as a therapeutic service for residents. Residents are given written assignments on adding similes, metaphors, and other creative writing techniques to assist them with self expression. The activity of poetry & spoken word writing is not only healthy for the mind but for the soul as well. Poetry is an outlet to express frustration, anger and negative thoughts in a safe way. Writing is a therapeutic process that can turn an unpleasant day into a better one. When a poem is created, it results in a sense of accomplishment and pride which in turn releases endorphants and simutlamuosly increases self-confidence. With the participation of staff and community agencies the event is fused with resources, networking and a bond through a commitment of servitude for others. It is an unparalleled occasion that adds distinction, a booster shot of morale and camaraderie to all attendees.

Hello ~
Does Self Determined Recovery have any upcoming open mics?
Thank you ~